martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Summary: How Ecosystem Change

How does abandoned farmland become a forest?

Abandoned Farm - First Year.  A comumunity of crabgrass, insects and mice invades the field where corn or another crop once grew.

Second and Third Years. Tall weeds,such as asters, ragweed, and goldenrod, and tall grasses grow among the crabgrass.  The crabgrass can´t easily survive in the shade cast by the taller weeds.  It begins to die out.  Rabbits and seed-eating birds move in.

Four to Six Years Later.  The hot, dry field of tall weeds provides a perfect environment for pine seeds to sprout.  Pine trees begin to grow and shade the weeds, which begin to die out.  More birds join the community, as do small mammals like oposssums and skunks.

Twenty-Five Years Later. A pine forest has replaced the old farm field.  Yet the number of new pine seedlings drops bacause they can´t grow in the shade.  Seeds of deciduous trees such as maple, hickory, and oak sprout and take root.  Larger animals like raccoons and foxes begin to visit.

One Humdred Years Later. The forest now mostly deciduous trees.  These trees are the habitats of many different kinds of birds and small animals, such as squirrels.  Deer, raccoons, and foxes also live in the forest.

Summary: Places to Live Arround the World

A Biome is an ecosystem to live. The land biomes are:

Taiga is the world's largest terrestrial biome and covers: in North America most of inland Canada and Alaska.
The summers, while short, are generally warm and humid. In much of the taiga, -20 °C would be a typical winter day temperature and 18 °C an average summer day.

Tundra:Arctic tundra contains areas of stark landscape and is frozen for much of the year. The soil there is frozen from 25–90 cm (9–35 inches) down.

Desert:Many deserts are formed by rain shadows; mountains blocking the path of precipitation to the desert (on the lee side of the mountain). Deserts are often composed of Sand and rocky surfaces

Deciduous Forest:
The temperate deciduous forest has a temperate climate, with summer highs of around 80 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (27 to 32 degrees Celsius).

Tropical Rainforest: Commonly known as tropical rainforest, are forests which receive high rainfall (more than 2000 mm, or 80 inches, annually) throughout the year.

Some acuatic Biomes are:

Salt water: Plankton: organisms that float in the water.
Nekton: are organisms that swim through the water.
Benthos: bottom dwelling organism.

Fresh water:Plankton: organisms that float in the water.
Nekton: are organisms that swim through the water.
Benthos: bottom dwelling organism.

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Summary: Surviving in the Ecosystem


       To survive in an ecosystem first you need to adapt. Then have some Simbiosis. Simbiosis is the interacting of the animals with each other. there are three tipes of simbiosis. 1 Mutualism: in mutualism they benefit both. An example can be a flower and a bee. 2 Parasitism: in parasitism one harm the other one. An example can be a dog and a fley. 3 Commensalism: a relasionship when one benefit withoug harming the other one. An example can be the yucca tree and the yucca moth.

Summary: Cycles of Life


       Water cycle can begin were you want. It normaly begins with evaporation wen the water turn from liquid to gas. Condensation is the turn of gas to any precipitation depending on the temperature, it can be hail, rain, snow, sleet, due, ect. Presipitation is the tuning of liquid to gas to liquid that falls from the clouds.
       Carbon dioxide enters the air when plants and animals decay. It enters the air when animals breath out. It enters the air when fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gasoline, and natural gas are burned. Forest fires also ad carbon dioxide to the air.
       Air is made up of 78 percent of nitrogen gas. some bacteria that grow on pea and bean root give those plants the nitrogen they need. Plants absorb nitrates disolved in water throug their root. The nitrogen is then used by the plants to make proteins

Summary: Food Chains and Food Webs


       Food Chains begins always with energy, that is the sun. The producer, that is the plant, transfer the energy to the consumer, that is the grasshoper. Then the energy is pass to the 2 consumer, that is the snake. then our 3 consumer is the hawk that eat the snake and then the hawh pop and then it decompose and grow a new plant.
       Food webs begins with the producers that are trees, grass, ect. organisims that cannot make their oun foods are consumer that eat producers.
They can eat also other consumers that is cal the pray. The predator eats the prey then the predator pop and make dicomposers.

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Summary: Living Things and Their Environment


        Living Things and Nonliving Things live in an ecosystem and they interact each other. Some ecologist study this interacting and they see symbiosis. There are three (3) tipes of symbiosis that are: mutualism, they benefit both; parasitism, one harm the other; commensalism, they dont harm each other.
       Biotic and abiotic factors are like living things and nonliving things. Some biotic factors are: animals, plants, bacteria, protist, fungi and many others. Someabiotic factors we cand find: wind, air, light, water, minerals and many others.
        A population is like a big building with humans in it. When this population joint with other population with different species form a big community and a habitat. Each one of this community have a niche, an ocupation. My niche is to be a good student for the country.

Summary: Energy Resources

         The humans have an adaptation in the energy sources specially we use fossil fuels. The problem with fossil fules is that they take too much time to be made by it self and they pollute the air. But there are other sources of energy that are called alternative sources of energy that dose not pollute. We can find four (4) alternative energy that are: Wind energy, Water energy, geothermal energy (Earth´s internal energy) and solar energy.
       Fossil Fuels form by decaied plants and animals in the soil (humus).They form in steps: Step 1: dead plants and animals fall to the ocean floor. Step 2: dead plants and animals are covered with layers of sand and mud. Step 3: over millions of years, preasure and heat helped to turn dead plants and animals remains into oil and natural gas.
       Methane gas is a tipe of gas that we use to cook in our kitchens and houses. A example of an object that make methane gas is the corn you just need to let him decompose and it form an imflamable gas.