domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Mixtures and Solutions

Mixture: two or more parts blended together yet keeping their own properties and not turning into a new substance.

Solution: a mixture in which substances are completely blended so that the properties are the same throughout and the substances stay blended.

Suspension: a mixture of substances that separate upon standing.

Colloid: particles (or droplets) large enough to block out light spread throughout another sustance.

Emulsion: a liquid spread through another liquid.
Aerosol: liquid drops or solid particles spread through a gas.

Gel: a solid spread throught a liquid.

Foam: a gas spread through a liquid or solid.

Chemical Changes
Physical change: a change in size, shape, or state, without forming a new substance.

Chemical change: a change in matter that produces a new substance with different properties from the original.

Chemical reaction: a chemical change of original substances into one or more new substances.

Reactant: one of the original substances before a chemical reaction takes place.

Product: one of the new substances produced when a chemical reaction takes place.

Matter and Energy

Kinetic energy: the energy of a moving object.

Potencial energy: energy stored in an object or material.

Conduction: movement of energy from a hot object that comes into contact with a cooler object; the material remains in place.

Convection: movement of energy by the flow of matter from place to place.

Radiation: movement of energy in the form of waves that can travel through empty space.

Wet cell battery: a battery containing liquid solution that produces the electric current.

Dry cell battery: a battery that uses "dry chemicals" to produce an electric current.

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